Trade Federation
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The Trade Federation is one of the galaxy's largest government factions, with over 200 billion citizens. The Federation, which initially gained galactic prominence as a monopolistic trading empire, was rebuilt on the foundations of honor, integrity and profit. It has always maintained those foundations, striving to hold its members to the lofty goals that come with such a motto.
Although dominated for most of its early history by Neimoidians, the Trade Federation now welcomes recruits from all races and walks of life. The Federation is one of the most talented and diverse organizations in the galaxy, and those qualities are reflected in high profits and high salaries for the entire faction. The Federation has a long history of technological achievement, and is fully committed to innovation and technological progress and implementation of new ideas. In addition to this, the Federation is still steeped in its commercial roots, delivering basic and luxury goods to billions of clients galaxy-wide and generating prosperity for its citizens on dozens of planets.
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The Trade Federation can be broadly separated into two categories: governmental bodies (or branches of the Trade Federation per se), and nationalized factions.
The Trade Federation's executive leader is known as the Viceroy. The Viceroy functions as Head of State, leader of the cabinet and Commander-in-Chief of Trade Federation's armed forces. He typically rules from one of two locations: the Viceroyal Palace on Taanab or his mobile command ship, the TFF Prosperity. The Viceroy's second-in-command is called the Duceroy, who shares in performing the Federation's day-to-day operational duties.
The Trade Federation consists of several ministries to carry out the mission of the Federation. Each of the ministries is made up of departments that specialize in specific duties of the ministry:
The leader of each ministry, in addition to overseeing the portion of the government in his or her purview, serves as a member of the Trade Federation Cabinet. Lower than the ministry level, the Trade Federation Directorate serves the needs of the Federation on a departmental level, discussing broad issues or needs in specific areas of the administration of Federation.
The Trade Federation Cabinet is composed of the most senior officers of the government of the Trade Federation, who are the Viceroy, Regent, Duceroy and heads of the three Ministries. Overseen by the Viceroy, the Cabinet is the true decision making body of the entire Trade Federation. The existence of the Cabinet dates back to the forming of the new Federation and the first true Viceroy, Corbin Esco.
All cabinet Ministers are nominated by the Viceroy and then presented to the rest of the Cabinet for confirmation with a majority vote. If they are approved, they are sworn in and then begin their duties. Members of the Cabinet serve at the pleasure of the Viceroy, which means that the Viceroy may dismiss them or reappoint them at will.
Chief Justice
The Chief Justice also must personally conduct all court cases concerning charges of grievous offenses against officials and members of the Trade Federation, presiding over a jury consisting of the cabinet and a random selection of other members. Lawyers for the prosecution and the defense are both appointed by the government.
Nationalized Factions
To aid in the functions of the government branches, the Trade Federation also retains several nationalized factions that specialize in areas not easily coordinated by the government. These factions are:
These factions specialize in production, recycling, mining and paramilitary support to further the goals of the Federation, and their hierarchies are closely intertwined with the daily administration of Federation business.
Former Nationalized Factions
- Akheton Vehicle Corporation (Merged with Techno Union)
- Alpha Medical Corps (Dissolved)
- Confederate Mining Corporation (Merged with Commerce Guild)
- Confederate Recycling Company (Renamed Haven Corporation)
- Creshaldyne Industries (Merged with Baktoid Armour Workshop)
- Dorinian Military Corps (Sold)
- Federation Holdings Group (Dissolved)
- Haven Corporation (Dissolved)
- InterGalactic Banking Clan (Dissolved)
- Rendili StarDrive (Sold)
- Stars` End Entertainment (Dissolved)
- Starsign Shipyards (Merged with Kuat Drive Yards)
- Vorsia Gearworks (Renamed Haven Corporation)
- Zone Supplies Limited (Merged with Baktoid Armour Workshop)
Commendations and Awards
The Federation has a wide variety of commendations that are awarded to Federation members as well as to members of its nationalized factions. These awards are given for exemplary service to the goals of the Federation, and they are prized quite highly by some members.
The Founding Era
The origins of the Trade Federation have been obscured by the many years since its foundation, but it is generally held that the Neimoidians joined with several other races in creating a cooperative trading endeavor spanning several planets. Most historians believe the Federation was probably a Neimoidian idea, as that race assumed leadership of the Federation throughout its whole first era. The Caritas and Filordi races were among the earliest recorded sentient species to join the fledgling Trade Federation.
As the Trade Federation grew in power and scope, its leadership became synonymous with that of the planet Neimoidia, and the Federation's leadership position was merged with the royal rule of Neimoidia. Ultimately, the Federation's ties to Neimoidia were downplayed as the Federation took on the governing of more planets, and rule of Neimoidia was devolved to a Federation-appointed governor. The last vestige of the royal connection between the Trade Federation and Neimoidia is the retention of the title Viceroy for the highest-ranking Federation executive.
The adoption of an aggressive expansionist policy led to a period of rapid annexation to the Federation of neighboring planets, hyperspace routes and star systems. The Federation had a reputation throughout this period for using strong-arm tactics to brow-beat local governments and populations into submission to Federation rule. As the Federation took on more and more of the daily governmental administration of these territories, it gained enough political sway to receive a seat in the Senate of the Old Republic.
Much of the Trade Federation's early success can be attributed to its brilliant droid manufacture. Droids were designed for heavy lifting, piloting, and finally for military application. Trade Federation inventors and researchers applied their current technologies to many other ares, creating profitable automated spy drones and starfighters, as well as complicated systems to automate the deployment of battle droids. With these innovations, the Federation was able to automate many aspects of its operations, cutting back on overhead costs and maximizing profits.
The Expansionist Era
In the days of the Old Republic's decline, the Trade Federation leveraged its efficiency and growth into galactic political favoritism. The Federation saw unprecedented growth in this period, largely due to back-room deals on Coruscant that kept Republic interference with annexation activities to a minimum. Many smaller worlds, aware of the change in the political climate, willingly joined the Federation. The Federation became a powerful regional government while still pursuing profit. This combination served the Federation very well; using its governmental status allowed Federation leadership to create wealthy trade routes, mining colonies and a vast infrastructure geared toward manufacture.
To defend and maintain this infrastructure, the Federation began construction of a massive fleet. Trade Federation engineers adapted the huge Lucrehulk cargo haulers into a fearsome armada. The automation systems devised by Federation inventors allowed the ships to operate as capital-level warships with only a small fraction of the crew requirement of similiar-sized ships.This period was marked by corruption both in the ranks of the Federation and the Old Republic political establishment. Budgetary deficits and legislative gridlock resulted in multiple taxes on trade routes, measures that harmed the Trade Federation's profit margins. In protest, the Federation took a high-risk political gamble, blockading the prominent planet of Naboo in protest. The blockade was initially a success, but a resistance movement broke the blockade, forcing the Federation to retreat in disgrace.
With the beginning of the Clone Wars, the trade Federation allied itself with the growing separatist movement, funneling funds, weapons and battle droids into the separatist side. The alliance proved to be a very unwise decision for the Federation, as the Jedi-led clone army crushed the separatist's military strength and exposed the Federation's involvement in the revolt. Nearly overnight, the Federation's influence began to evaporate, as clients abandoned the politically-embattled government. Many smaller planets and systems that had been pressed into joining the Federation abandoned their membership to take shelter under the banner of the newly-founded Galactic Empire. Bickering and infighting reduced the Neimoidian effectiveness at running the Federation. When the Empire dissolved the Imperial Senate, the last vestiges of the Trade Federation's political power were swept away. The Federation was now little more than a glorified shipping company that couldn't keep a Viceroy in place for more than a month or two. The final blow to the faction came with the complete collapse of its shipping trade routes and heavy taxes levied by local governments. The Federation defaulted on several loans to the Hapes Consortium, and was placed under the control of Hapan authorities by sectoral bankruptcy courts.
The Refoundation
With the formal loss of the Trade Federation a great opportunity presented itself for the right individual. An enterprising young Hapan named Corbin Esco approached the Hapes Consortium asking to purchase the rights to the Trade Federation logo, blueprints and meager assets. The prospect of recouping any of their losses from the Trade Federation bankruptcy enticed the Hapan authorities, who assented to the offer immediately. With the purchase, Esco assumed the title of Viceroy, and set about restructuring the Federation. Viceroy Esco purged the centuries-long prejudice in favor of Neimoidians, choosing instead to pursue talented beings from all races in the hopes of creating a solid base to build the new Federation.
Esco also swept away the old Neimoidian system of nepotism, replacing the privileged few who ruled the Federation with an organized Cabinet. Slowly, with the help of the new cabinet, Viceroy Esco began to rebuild the military of the Federation, not for annexing smaller systems, but to protect the shipping lanes the Federation pilots carved out.Looking to start afresh as a business, Viceroy Esco decided to create a new base of operations for the Trade Federation in the Glythe Sector, a sparsely-populated sector rich in natural resources. The Federation's new headquarters were constructed in a small settlement on the planet Taanab, from which the company began a modest interplanetary trade operation.
Horizon Corporation, not taking the new Trade Federation seriously, attacked a flight of Y-wings in neutral space. The flight, on a reconnaissance mission for the Federation, immediately sent out a distress signal, and reported the attack. The action led the cabinet to declare war on Horizon Corporation. Over the following weeks, hostilities escalated between the Federation and Horizon, before a settlement was forged by Viceroy Esco to end the conflict.
Under Viceroy Esco, the Federation grew strong enough to be considered a regional power-broker again. The Glythe Sector began to experience real economic growth under the new Federation policies. A heavy emphasis on building and resource-gathering fueled a steady increase in population growth in the Glythe Sector, and several planets began to approach the Federation with requests to come under the umbrella of its prosperous system. By the time Viceroy Esco stepped down from his duties, the Trade Federation had undergone a transformation unlike few others the galaxy had seen: from a small organization on the brink of complete annihilation to a burgeoning government faction in its own right.
Rise of the Confederacy
After Viceroy Esco stepped down, cabinet member Toran Slisik carried the title of Viceroy for a short time. Under his brief reign, Viceroy Slisik and the cabinet decided to embark on an ambitious new endeavor: to form a devolved yet unified coalition of corporate entities to further the Trade Federation's ideals of establishing an order based on honor, integrity and profit. Under the banner of the new Confederacy of Independent Systems, Commerce Guild, Techno Union, Dorinian Military Corps and Corporate Alliance would bring their expertise in various areas for the general benefit of all members, allowing the Trade Federation to govern and coordinate the activities between organizations.Viceroy Slisik retired shortly after the founding of the CIS, leaving the cabinet to choose Horley Cyan to be the next Viceroy. Under his direction and with the aid of the new resources available to the CIS, Viceroy Cyan led the Federation to an era of construction and expansion. This expansion was larger than any the Federation had experienced since the Expansionist Era under the Neimoidian administration. To help him in these endeavors, Viceroy Cyan appointed a bright young officer named Bren Morgarr to be his Duceroy. Under the rule of Viceroy Cyan, Kuat Drive Yards, Combank, Haven Corporation and the Triumvirate Security Force joined the CIS, rounding out the faction conglomerate. Further, a huge expansion of operations in the Glythe sector was undertaken, securing a solid foundation of commercial, industrial and defensive infrastructure that still serves the Federation to this day.
War With Galactic Empire
Viceroy Cyan retired from office after a prosperous reign, looking for the challenge of new and exciting endeavors. At this time the cabinet sent a request to Corbin Esco, who had been on extended leave of absence, asking him to return and serve the Federation once again. Viceroy Esco decided to return for a second term of service, setting aside his desire for a peaceful retirement. It was not a moment too soon for Viceroy Esco to return to the Federation. The Federation had been under pressure from the Galactic Empire to agree to the Imperial State and Commerce Pact, a trade alliance that would undermine the operations of the Trade Federation and sacrifice the independence of the CIS. After due consideration and consultation with the cabinet, Viceroy Esco decided to decline the agreement, angering Emperor Vodo Bonias. The Galactic Empire declared war on the CIS for the rejection, forcing Kuat Drive Yards and Combank (both Empire-allied factions) to withdraw from the CIS.
The war raged for months, taking its toll on Federation systems, the unity of the CIS, and Viceroy Esco's health. After holding out as long as he could, Viceroy Esco was forced to step down from his duties once again. After a brief recuperation period, Esco retired in peace to spend time with friends and family. The power vacuum left behind after the Viceroy's resignation caused electoral confusion and threw the CIS into disarray. Darvock Tarion, the Minister of Government Affairs, put his name forward for the position of Viceroy, undermining the vote of the Federation cabinet. When Tarion discovered that the cabinet would not support him, he took his bid for power to the rank and file of the whole CIS, influencing the popular election with ballot falsification and duplicate voting records. The Federation cabinet removed Tarion from office, declaring the election void due to corrupt practices. The cabinet chose instead to appoint Bren Morgarr as the new Viceroy.Upon taking up his office, Viceroy Morgarr immediately contacted Imperial authorities with the intent to end the war that had ravaged the Federation-controlled sectors. A short truce was declared so that the sides could negotiate a long-term peace. When Viceroy Morgarr went to the peace summit, he was shocked to find the Empire proposing the Federation accept the Imperial State and Commerce Pact. Viceroy Morgarr again declined the pact, throwing Emperor Bonias into a rage. The Empire promptly declared war on the CIS again, and hostilities resumed.
The Golden Age
The driving force behind Viceroy Morgarr's reign was the desire to support the Federation even in the face of a large-scale war with the Galactic Empire. It was not enough to replace the factions that had left the CIS, Viceroy Morgarr wanted to expand it more than ever before. Under his watch, Haor Chall Engineering, Lant Mining Corporation, The Order of Kampar, Triumvirate Mining Corporation, InterGalactic Banking Clan and Stars` End Entertainment all joined the CIS. Upon the resignation of his first Duceroy, Centauri Tyridius, Viceroy Morgarr appointed the CEO of Techno Union Jacob Jansen to the post. Under this Viceroy/Duceroy team, ambitious growth projects were completed and unprecedented population growth was achieved throughout Trade Federation systems. It was during this system that the Federation base on Lekua IV was completed. To cap these successes, the Farfin sector fell to Federation military forces, causing a much-needed respite in the war against the Empire. With these accomplishments completed, Viceroy Morgarr resigned, leaving the cabinet to appoint a successor. The cabinet made the easy choice to try to continue Viceroy Morgarr's success, settling on Duceroy Jacob Jansen.
Peace and Reform
Viceroy Jansen's first goal was to end the war with the Galactic Empire, a war that he long had felt was unnecessary and harmful to the Federation. Viceroy Jansen met privately with the Emperor, in a closed-door session. Nobody know what was said in that meeting, but when he emerged, Viceroy Jansen confirmed that a cease-fire had been brokered between the two governments. It was the beginning of increasing cooperation between the Federation and the Empire.
Commercial trade between the two factions proved a boon to the CIS immediately, with a windfall posting massive budget surpluses across the many member factions. During this time, Arakyd Aerodynes Incorporated, Baktoid Armour Workshop, Confederate Mining Corporation and Triumvirate Space Technologies joined the expansive CIS coalition. With the help of his Duceroy Bub`ba Lou, Viceroy Jansen began a series of reforms throughout the Trade Federation, pruning back much of the acquisitions made during Viceroy Morgarr's reign. In the name of a leaner, more basic operational structure, he set about to bring the Federation back to its founding principles. Although the CIS had more member factions than ever before, the inefficiency of the system had grown with the conglomerate. After many long months, it was decided to dismantle much of the CIS. The Triumvirate Coalition, including Triumvirate Mining Corporation, Triumvirate Space Technologies, Triumvirate Security Force all withdrew from the CIS, in addition to Arakyd Aerodynes Inc.Stars` End Entertainment was dissolved, and much of the Haven Corporation's resources were merged with the Confederate Recycling Company. Eventually, the Confederate Recycling Company was renamed after the original Haven Corporation, and still works closely with the Trade Federation today. Starsign Shipyards was merged with Techno Union, and the Confederate Mining Corporation was merged with the Commerce Guild. Finally, after many small steps, the CIS was disbanded completely, with most remaining factions absorbed into various arms of the Trade Federation with a few nationalized factions retained as close allies of the reorganized Federation. The newer, more efficient Federation thrived, seeing the completion of extensive mining and housing operations on Rafa V and a flurry of new recruits joining the faction, eager to serve. With its reorganization firmly in place, the Trade Federation was ready to take its first steps into even greater galactic prominence.
Imperial Union
With its new-found peace and purpose, the Trade Federation was ready to explore alliances with the other major government factions of the galaxy. Viceroy Jansen was approached by the Galactic Empire with an offer to join the Imperial Union, and offer to which the cabinet and Directorate agreed. Such a step was significant, as it would inevitably push the Trade Federation toward the Imperial side of the galactic civil war, compromising the Federation's strictly-maintained neutrality. On Year 9, Day 295, the treaty making the Federation a member of the Imperial Union was ratified.
Under the ministry of Olwin Froon, plans for rapid and aggressive development of planets like Rafa V were installed, creating a hyper-local approach to economic development. By opening the projects up to any Federation members with the funds to build, the Ministry of Production fueled growth while further investing the officers and officials of the faction. Further, by focusing on only a few planets at a time,the Ministry was able to keep a watchful eye on the construction, ensuring a proper balance of industry and services to serve the planet's population. Many planets were scanned and tapped for raw materials which could be used for the construction of ships, vehicles, building or other products. Nearly overnight, the Department of Logistics had its hands full with requests to move millions of tons of raw materials from everywhere to everywhere else. Under this system, the galaxy watched as the Trade Federation's formula for success embodied its original founding mandate, instilling honor and integrity wherever it went, while supplying profit for citizens, officials and members as well.
With the economic goals of the Trade Federation more than successfully met, Viceroy Jansen and Minister of Defence Kage Renbukai set about organizing and building up the tools to defend what the Federation had spent so much effort to create. Each of the Federation-controlled sectors was closed off to outside space traffic, requiring freighters, haulers and fighters alike to carry a Federation Flight Permit to fly in that space. Specific open-trade port planets and systems were designated, giving outsiders who had no permit a chance to funnel their goods into Federation territories. One such planet is Varno in the Glythe Sector. This system provided a measure of protection for the construction projects overseen by the Ministry of Production. Any intruders into Federation space could be identified and pursued more easily and quickly than ever before.
Once the borders of the Federation were brought under control, Viceroy Jansen and Minister Renbukai began to plan out an ambitious plan to grow the Trade Federation Navy into a well-oiled military machine. With the combined cooperation of the Ministries of Defence, Production and Interior, the Trade Federation began an overhaul and upgrade of the Federation Naval Forces, refitting or replacing hundreds of ships, from small freighters up to the mighty Lucrehulk Battleships. New fleets of Lucrehulks were commissioned and deployed to the Federation's sectors, adding a second layer of defense to the closed-off systems. However, Viceroy Jansen recognized the dangers of a completely-mobile defense. With a fleet alone, there was always the potential that the fleet might move away from their defense points, leaving the precious planets and systems vulnerable. With a fleet, it would also be difficult to maintain space superiority while keeping ships anchored to specific locations. It was decided instead to build defensive platforms in the systems where they were most needed, keeping massive defensive firepower precisely located for the defense of the most valuable star systems. Under the personal direction of Viceroy Jansen, the Sector Defense Initiative installed dozens of Golan-class defensive installments across Federation space. The initiative took years to completely implement, but upon its completion, it freed up dozens of Lucrehulks to make effective patrol flights, greatly strengthening the Trade Federation's military prospects.It was at this point that Duceroy Bub`ba Lou, who had served the Federation faithfully for many years, was forced to resign from his duties as Viceroy due to the many constraints on his time and health. Although under his watchful gaze the Federation had become a far more efficient organization, Duceroy Lou was still in high demand all over the Federation, putting down minor emergencies and helping to continue the reforms started by Viceroy Jansen. Rather than lose such a talented ally, Viceroy Jansen elected to nominate Duceroy Lou as his Regent, naming him next in succession for the position of Viceroy, but allowing him much more time to care for the Federation and his health. Regent Lou is still omnipresent in the Federation, and can be found working in almost any department on any day. Viceroy Jansen named Minister Renbukai his new Duceroy to replace Regent Lou.
Most recently, Viceroy Jansen led the Trade Federation into a powerful alliance with the Hapes Consortium. For the first time in either government's history, each faction pledged a full militaristic, economic and social alliance to the other. signed the Trade Federation/Hapes Consortium Alliance with Hapan King Jessy James, ruler of the Hapes Consortium. The alliance began with an historic document signing titled the Neshig Accords. Together, Federation and Hapan military forces shares jurisdiction over the sector of space called Neshig.
An Empire of Trade
On Year 13, Day 315, the Trade Federation announced their official withdrawal from the Imperial Union in favor of a more neutral stance on Galactic Politics. Viceroy Jacob Jansen and his Cabinet announced this in addition to mentioning plans for the Trade Federation's future as an "Empire of Trade" as it was originally founded, and continuing to uphold the tenets of "Honor, Integrity, and Profit." The Viceroy discussed future plans in order to "form a Federation that protects the rights of traders and provide a safe haven for the honest traders and peoples of the galaxy." He hinted at future plans of expanding the Trade Federation's business to trading instead of the production and selling that the Federation has been so engrossed in thus far. Several programs and departments have been implemented and/or are being redesigned in the hopes of revitalizing the spirit of trade within the Federation as well as between the Federation, its members, and the Galaxy. Some of these programs and departments include a re-haul of the Department of Justice, a revitalization of the Department of External Affairs and the implementation of a Citizenship opportunity for all members of the galaxy. More programs and departments are expected to be overhauled in the near future.
The Trade Federation has traditionally maintained a strict neutrality in the conflict between the Galactic Empire and those who oppose them. However, over time, the growth of the Federation began to attract unwelcome attention from both sides of the Galactic Civil War. To prevent the Federation from growing too strong and joining the Rebels, the Empire went to war with the Trade Federation. After a long conflict, both sides decided to draw up peace plans that laid the foundation for a more harmonious cooperation in the future. The Trade Federation is now a member of the Imperial Union, an axis of factions dedicated to the stability and prosperity of the galaxy. Membership in the union does not necessitate a compromise of the Federation's neutrality, but it might in the future. It is widely considered to be a solid step by the Federation toward the Imperial camp should the Galactic Civil War reach a crisis point.
The Hapes Consortium is allied with the Trade Federation. Going further than a non-aggression pact, both governments have pledged mutual economic, military and cultural aid should the need arise. Furthermore, both sides of the pact have committed to join forces in military exercises and sectoral security measures.
The Trade Federation's history of technological innovation spans more than a century, a fact worthy of pride on the part of all Federation members. Under the innovative minds at the Trade Federation laboratories on Taanab, powerful automation systems have been developed, resulting in progressively advanced droid intelligences and abilities. Further, these automation systems, when blended with Federation ship-building technologies, allow for large-scale shipping and space superiority fleets to be operated at only a fraction of the ordinary cost or crew size.
Battle Droid
The mainstay of the Trade Federation's military has long been the iconic B-1 Battle Droid. Although this warrior machine is a holdover from the Clone War era, it is still very serviceable in open-combat situations. Its low production cost makes it easy for the manufacturer or buyer to use these droids in superior numbers, providing cheap disposable infantry for a surface army. The B-1 used to rely on a droid control ship for operation, but modern processor cores with updated decision-making algorithms make this unnecessary. This droid has the ability to pilot surface vehicles and use an assortment of weapons, including blasters, rifles, grenades and high-yield explosives. Some groups have used these droids as walking bombs, outfitting them with thermal detonators and sending them to march into enemy installations. Due to an ancient trade-dispute court settlement, the Trade Federation currently shares the copyrights to this model with the Cerberus Corporation.Super Battle Droid
The Super Battle Droid was the concession that although updated B-1 Battle Droids are powerful, the design could still be vastly improved. Incorporating many elements from the earlier B-1 model, the B-2 bears heavy blast-resistant armor to protect its receptors and cognitive unit much better. Built-in heavy blasters pack a powerful punch, but this droid has the drawback of a very high center of gravity, making it a liability should its movement sensors malfunction. It is rumored that the Federation designed this droid to regain the corner on the battle droid market after losing their exclusive copyright to the B-1 model to the Cerberus Corporation. However, the Trade Federation's top marketing officials have denied this, citing the droid's increased cost of production as a proof against the accusation.
Destroyer Droid
The Destroyer Droid embodies the height of mobility and firepower in a security droid. The ability to fold and unfold was heralded as a brilliant measure at the time of the droid's invention, and the compact travel style allowed fast movement over short distances. Once unfolded, these droids become set firing installations, allowing more complex firing patterns to be utilized. The delicate joints required for folding and unfolding make this droid very susceptible to enemy fire, and most come equipped with blast-proof energy shields to compensate for this drawback. The droid's limited mobility measures prevent it from used in most types of terrain; the Destroyer is typically used as a defensive measure in buildings and on-board capital-level starships.Vehicles
Armoured Attack Tank
The Armoured Attack Tank (AAT) is a formidable battle tank, heavily armored and loaded with firepower. All of the most vital components to the vehicle are located in the rear, behind several layers of armor. The tank can be used by sentient pilots or linked to four B-1 Battle Droids with special software to operate the tank. Researchers have shown that the AAT experiences a 37% increase in efficiency when the battle droids pilot, but the tank posts a 45% increase in battle-effectiveness when sentients pilot it. The main armament consists of a heavy laser based in the main turret, and is supported by two forward-facing secondary lasers. The armament is rounded out by a concussion missile launcher with plasma stream option. An armaments tray allows for fast and simple reloading of armaments. These tanks almost exclusively stay in the use of the Trade Federation, but a few have been found serving as the bulwark of small armies of Warlords on the Outer Rim, almost certainly the product of high-risk smuggling in the weapons black market.STAP
The Single Trooper Aerial Platform (STAP) is a fast repulsor-based support/scouting vehicle. Whether piloted by sentients or specially-programmed B-1 Battle Droids, this craft gives surface-based troops an advantage in almost any situation. The STAP allows the user to travel at high speeds, scouting enemy installations or laying sensors down in contested areas. If the pilot runs into trouble, the STAP is more than prepared to deal with threats. Powerful side thrusters make this vehicle a difficult target to hit, and dual blaster emplacements provide the firepower necessary to batter a way back to friendly territory. These lightweight craft are not heavily armored, but are made from recycled materials. The Trade Federation advertises the renewal-friendly factor to this relatively cheap and very reliable vehicle. The low cost of production ensures a healthy profit for the Federation, and this vehicle is traditionally one of the Federation's best sellers, particularly in the Glythe Sector.Ships
Lucrehulk Battleship
The Lucrehulk 3210 Battleship is the pinnacle of Trade Federation engineering. The Lucrehulk was originally designed as a massive cargo hauler, utilizing the best of the famous Federation automation systems to make loading and unloading of cargo much faster and efficient. At over three kilometers in diameter, the enormous vessels resemble flattened disks with a central sphere containing the ship's bridge and reactor assemblies. With the militarization of Federation interests, the Lucrehulks were adapted in surprising ways. The ships were outfitted with huge compliments of heavy lasers and automated starfighter drones. Landing ship flight groups were devised for the rapid and efficient deployment of surface armies, and a massive contingent of support ships outfitted with heavy missiles are used against opposing capital ships. The Lucrehulk is the ultimate space-superiority ship, acting as a gigantic base of operations for space missions and as a headquarters for ground army movement. Many Lucrehulks are outfitted with droid control centers, allowing the Federation to operate huge droid armies, armour and atmospheric superiority missions from the bridge of the ship. This starship has become so much identified with the Trade Federation that it is now incorporated into the Federation's flag, banners and logo.C-9979 Landing Ship
The C-9979 Landing Ship was not originally designed by Trade Federation engineers, but by Haor Chall Engineering, who won the rights to design the ship for the Federation. The Federation's engineering corps was occupied with perfecting the automation systems of the droid control centers in the Lucrehulk, causing the Federation to opt toward contracting the project. Nevertheless, the Trade Federation promptly purchased all rights to the production of the ship once the design was complete, leaving Haor Chall to focus on vehicles instead of ships. The C-9979's immense wings are removable for ease of storage and docking. When deployed, powerful tensor field generators bind the wings to the craft, strengthening the overall structural integrity if the ship. In past days the C-9979 were used to transport Battle Droid from Lucrehulk 3210 Battleship to the surface of a planet. Since Lucrehulks were outfitted with landing capabilities, the C-9979 is used as a medium strike-landing ship for precision missions.Sheathipede-class Transport Shuttle
The Pnath-Class Shuttle, also known as the Sheathipede-Class Transport Shuttle, is an exotic but clunky looking personnel shuttle manufactured by the Trade Federation during the late Old Republic period. This shuttle was widely used throughout the Republic, with a fast hyperdrive by pre-Imperial standards. It has a weak sublight engine, an inconvenience for in-system travel. The Pnath is a defenseless ship, bearing no weapons. Its weak shields and thin armor provide little defense in the event of an attack. Because of this, the Pnath was usually only used in low-risk regions or well-secured star systems. Nevertheless, the lack of defenses proved a major drawback in design, as several lawsuits were levelled at the Trade Federation after pirate attacks on the unarmed Pnaths resulted in hostage situations. After a partial recall, the Federation opted to halt production. Modified Pnaths can still be found all over the galaxy, used for transporting personnel and equipment.Scarab-class Droid Fighter
The Scarab-class Droid Fighter was originally built by Xi Char Cathedral Factories, and is largely considered an outdated ship model. Not wishing to risk pilots in such an old design, the Trade Federation outfitted these ships with artificial intelligence control following the Federation's acquisition of the design. With basic laser armaments, modest armor plating and weak shields, this light fighter is little more than a nuisance to most modern starfighters. The Scarab has low maneuverability and speed, and is usually put on low-priority missions that do not require precision. The main advantage of these fighters are their low cost and the coordination abilities of the droid minds that control them. A well-coordinated group of Scarabs have the ability to swarm stronger targets, destroying or weakening them before taking heavy losses. This ship is now almost exclusively used in backwater systems as an advance scout for security threats. A few have also been placed into orbit above planets as cheap and tiny planetary defense probes.Corona-class frigate
Originally developed by the New Republic, the Corona-class frigate was a ship built out of the necessity for the Republic to safeguard its assets. It was modelled from the highly successful Nebulon-B design, which had a forward section connected to the engines and hyperdrive by a thin spar. The forward section of the Corona has also been built extending down from the main body of the frigate, while the spar has been thickened from the original Nebulon-B design to provide extra protection. It boasts an impressive hyperdrive and ample sublight speed, meaning it is an excellent craft for escaping from pirate invaders if its extensive weapon systems do not prove formidable enough. Although the craft was built to act in a support role and to be anchored for most of its life at a main home base, it can store a significant amount of supplies in its more than adequate cargo hold. This makes it suitable to take on journeys lasting months on end.Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
The Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser first saw action over eighty years before the Clone Wars by the Republic Judicial Forces. In their day, they were considered very advanced by comparison to other ship designs, but with the passage of time, that opinion has changed: their sublight and hyperspace speeds are very slow compared to newer ships. By the time of the Clone Wars, the Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser was outdated by newer, more advanced ships such as the Acclamator I-class Assault Ship and early Star Destroyers. However, the Dreadnaughts were used extensively during the Clone Wars due to their abundance and because the newer ships were reserved for the elite troops.Nebulon-B Frigate
While the Nebulon-B Frigate itself is slow and unwieldy, as are most vessels of this size, the fighters can handle anything that is too small or too fast for the frigate. One major advantage of the Nebulon-B design was the idea to put the hyperdrive motivators close to the primary power cells in main engineering on deck 9 in the aft section. Originally, primary communications were to be handled from deck 17, but it was later decided that the bridge would be placed there, allowing the captain more direct access to every part of the ship. Since the Imperial Navy has been assigning Nebulon-B Frigates to escort duty, Rebel pilots no longer find attacking Imperial convoys a quick and simple job.Weapons
E-5 Droid Blaster
In building droid armies, the Trade Federation ran into a difficult choice concerning weapons: quality or quantity? Considering the expendable nature of the B-1 Battle Droid, the decision was easy. The result was the E-5 Droid Blaster, a cheap short-range weapon with low maintenance costs. With a low rate of fire, limited power-cell energy and less-than-pinpoint accuracy, the E-5 is a lasting testimony to the quantity-over-quality view. The most constant feature of the standard-issue Battle Droid weapon was the fact that buyers of Battle Droids replaced the E-5 with better blasters upon receipt of their purchase. Manufacture of the E-5 halted once the B-2 Battle Droid went into production, since the newer line of droids came equipped with a heavy blaster. Not many E-5s can be found in the galaxy today, as most of them were melted down or scrapped over the years.Heraldry
The flag and logo of the Trade Federation have undergone many revisions over the years, with the earliest versions of the logo being merely a berge of the ancient Filordi glyphs for the Trade Federation's initials. Early in the Expansionist Era this logo was discarded in favor of the simple Lucrehulk outline used in the flag today. During the Clone Wars, the Lucrehulk design was set aside in favor of the hexagonal logo used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
With the collapse of the old Confederacy and sale of the Federation to Corbin Esco, the Trade Federation was rebranded.Viceroy Esco brought back the Lucrehulk design, but updated the colors and schema of the Federation flag, drawing on the color values of the heraldic tradition of his native Hapes. He retained the royal blue that had always been the color of the Federation, adding white and red to the flag. The design of the flag is now as follows:
A blue field with red stripe, horizontal along the center of the lower third of the flag. Surrounding the red stripe are two parallel white stripes, twice the width of the red stripe. Superimposed on the stripes is the white shape of the Lucrehulk, bound in blue.
A description of the flag's meaning can be found in the Federation Archives in the Viceroyal Library on Taanab. The description dates back to the reign of Viceroy Horley Cyan:
"If viewed in the light of traditional Hapan heraldic colors, the red of the flag means military strength and valor in battle. This is at the heart of the Federation's foundation, as evidenced by its location at the center of the lower third of the flag. The white, symbolizing peace and honor, wraps or covers the red stripe, tempering the military efforts of the Federation with the guiding lines of virtue. The Lucrehulk is also white, superimposed over the red line, showing that the use of the Lucrehulks is devoted to the stability and benefit of the citizens of Federation territories. Lastly, the traditional blue of the Federation represents truth, integrity and loyalty, which binds the Lucrehulk and the whole banner together as these principles do of the Federation."
Multiple interactive holo-banners have also been devised for the use of the Trade Federation's members over the years. These banners are used to advertise for new recruits, to punctuate member holocommunications, and generally to display pride in membership over the holonet: