From TF Library
Operating out of glorious Fort Esco, Taanab, Department of Logistics is the largest branch of Ministry of the Interior. The Fort serves as the department's headquarters and northern operations center. Port Sestra on Sistermoon serves as the southern operations center. The DoL's primary service is movement of assets inside and outside of Trade Federation territory in conjunction with all other respective Departments; this includes movement of building materials from Commerce Guild onto city development sites, Kuat Drive Yards space stations and Techno Union and Dorinian Military Corps factories. Manned by large number of mostly sober pilots, Department functions as a whole due to unique command structure which includes several layers of commanding officers, ensuring that every mission is finished to the last bolt.
Department of Logistics is commanded by Director of Logistics (Dir), who serves as a part of Directorate in fulfilling the requests and goals set by the Cabinet. Planning and organization of work are his main tasks, as almost any movement of civic fleets inside Trade Federation space is managed from his level. Highest profile transport missions are usually assigned to the Director.
Director's right hand is Deputy Director of Logistics (DDir). He takes care of day-to-day operations, making sure that pilots are well-fed, booze-stocked and barrel-roll-trained. Each and every pilot is in his focus from day to day and he handles all missions requested to be done by Director. Down and dirty, Deputy Director manages Flight Lead Officers in order to keep the command line running. Higher profile transport missions are usually assigned to the Deputy Director.
A deputy director in training, Coordinating Flight Lead Officers (CFLO) share the burden of Deputy Director, managing the entities needed to complete assigned missions by the Pilots. Each and every mission is in their focus, to make sure it's finished in a proper manner, in proper time.
Flight Lead Officers (FLO) act as direct point of contact between Director and Pilots. Serving as Pilots themselves, they usually have almost each and every possible license in order to fly even the largest capital ships inside Department's fleet. Each Flight Team is a distinct unit, operations as a whole or on individual basis - whatever is asked of them.
Pilots are the back-bone of Logistics Department. They do absolutely anything, from material transport to barrel-rolling the skies of Taanab. Merry bunch of strong individuals, each and every Pilot strives to finish his mission as quickly as possible and return to Fort Esco, for the parties there are still a legend on any Trade Federation planet.
Current Director of Logistics: Flint Talzo

Current Deputy Director of Logistics: Vacant

Current Coordinating Flight Lead Officer:

Current Flight Lead Officers:
Coranel Both Flight Lead Officer of Flight Team Brooks Academy

Manta Birostris Flight Lead Officer of Flight Team Alderaan Places

Dail Llwybr Gwaed Flight Lead Officer of Flight Team Dro's Spirit

Retired Flight Teams:
Stella Reges
Logistics Equipment
Lucrehulk 3210 Battleship The Lucrehulk 3210 Battleship has for a long time been the backbone of the Trade Federation. Originally designed as a huge cargo ship, when the leaders of the Federation realized they would need a ship capable of taking part in warfare, they decided the best option would be to convert an existing ship rather than undergo the extremely expensive process of designing a warship from scratch.
The Lucrehulk was the obvious choice for this. With its excess of space and intimidating size it was quickly converted, with a wealth of new weapons on the hull, while still keeping the majority of the cargo space. This allows the Lucrehulk to not only hold its own in a battle, but also to bring in its own support. A single Lucrehulk can hold a fleet within itself, as well as an invasion force, making it a very efficient tool.
In the Trade Federation, the formidable Lucrehulk serves as a flagship for each of the Federation fleets, leading them in operations. |
Mammoth-class Heavy Hauler It is rumored that when the Mammoth was in development, the CEO of its manufacturer would visit the complex housing the ship's design team every day and say "It's too small, it’s just too small," and every day, they would increase the ships proportions. They later learned, only after the ship went into production, he was talking about the building, and not the ship design. In the end, what they ended up with was a cargo ship that dwarfed the mighty Star Destroyers of the Empire. The Mammoth has a downright cavernous cargo hold, one that could arguably carry enough raw materials to build the infrastructure of an entire country. If the ship were equipped with a large enough opening, it could conceal in itself the flagship of the Black Sun fleet, the Darkstar Battleship, or four of the Hapes' Nova Battle Cruisers. However, the ship is an easy target for raiders and pirates. It is slow, carries no weapons of its own and has no docking bay for support vessels. Another rumor exists that the manufacturer has plans for a modification package that would allow it the luxury of a small, six-ship docking system. Whether this innovation ever comes to fruition or not, is anyone's guess. |
Modular Taskforce Cruiser The Modular Taskforce Cruiser is the legacy of the Modular Taskforce-Cruiser Project, a project initially started to create an all-purpose support ship for the navies of the galaxy. Its design was intended to allow a variety of mission-specific modules to be fitted to the hull including; hospital, survey, cargo, observation and inquisition modules. The project was ultimately too complex and clients large enough to afford the vessels backed out. With a loss of funding, the team responsible for the project decided to scrap the plans. However before disposing of the designs completely, they were put on the open market for purchase. The blueprints and all accompanying research for the vessel were bought up by a private production company, who simplified the overall design and fitted the large ship solely with cargo modules and added larger engines to allow it to keep pace with its escorts. The newly redesigned Star Hauler was marketed as a super freighter, and to make it even more popular and 'task-force-friendly', it was equipped with extensive sensor arrays to help it detect any impending threat to its valuable cargo. |
C-9979 Landing Ship The C-9979 Landing Ship was originally built for delivering battledroids from a planet's orbit to it's surface in case an invasion is required. The Department of Logistics finest mechanics modified the battledroid scaffolding to hold large cargo crates, making this ship ideal for bringing large quantities of cargo from space to land. |
YV-666 Another design brought to life by Corellian engineers, the YV-666 is considerably larger than its smaller and cheaper counterparts. The ship sports a long, tall, blocky main hull with port and starboard maneuvering fins to the rear of the craft for vertical movement. A decent all-round ship, the YV-666 manages to retain the legendary ease of modification usually prevalent in smaller freighters. As with most of the YV series, the YV-666 is built around a two deck main hull. The top deck houses the bridge and navigation systems, while the bottom deck is devoted to engines, power cores, weapons systems and storage bays. The main deck, arguably the major selling point of the ship, is capable of housing both vehicles and fighters. The holds are large enough that one trader claimed he could fit a personal residence with room to spare for his speeder. As such, many pirates use the YV-666 as escort carriers on supply raids. Nevertheless, the ship's light armament puts it at something of a disadvantage when faced with better armed customized merchant frigates. |
Bayonet-class Light Cruiser The Bayonet-class cruiser was the first ship designed in the specific V-shape that allows a ship to concentrate nearly all its weapons on its front firing arc, a design later used successfully in the Star Destroyer line. This is also where the name 'Bayonet' originated, to indicate the specific dagger shape of the ship. At the time of development the Bayonet was revolutionary and turned the tide in many spatial battles. However, today the ship is a little outdated as heavier ships have taken her place. It was also noticed that the placing of the command module on the bayonet was too close to the ships main ion drives, causing frequent disturbances in communication. Most captains overcame this problem by using one of the starfighters assigned to the ship to act as a relay. Doing this, however, soon turned out to be a suicide mission for the fighter pilots as opponents discovered taking out that fighter was an excellent means of disrupting their enemies communication. However this does not mean that this is a ship to be trifled with. While it may no longer hold its own on the battlefield, it is still a serious threat to any freighter or starfighter. This is why the Bayonet-class today is mostly used by planetary governments to patrol relatively remote regions of space, in order to keep pirates and smugglers in check. |
BFF-1 Bulk Freighter One advantage of this type of transport is that despite its significant size, the BFF-1 has the ability to land. Besides cargo of all sorts, the manufacturers managed to make later versions acceptable for passenger transport, making room for about a hundred people. One other important attribute is the BFF-1's tractor beam. This is very handy if there's even more to haul, but it also helps multiple ships to stay in formation which is very important because these ships tend to travel in convoy. |
GR-75 Medium Transport The GR-75 Medium Transport represents the epitome of engineering for the Gallofree Yard design teams. An older ship, marketed and produced several years ago, the design emphasizes the trademarks of the Gallofree Yard brand, namely, cargo space, customization, and affordability. The shell design of the GR-75 allows for easy and major modification for additional crew space, munitions cargo, mineral export or a dozen other transport-related needs. The design, while arguably superior in many regards to other ships of the same class in the crowded transport market, failed to catch hold due to the failings of the marketing and sales division of the company. Despite the age of the ship, the GR-75 Medium Transport has found a new life in recent years, as many companies find the ease of modification an asset, as well as its abilities for several roles including troop transport and scouting. |
YT-510 The YT-510 freighter is everywhere you look in Glythe and Centrality. Due to it's tremendous speed it has also been used many times to cross the galaxy in only a few parsecs. It's the smallest freighter in the DoL fleet. It can store only a little cargo, two passengers and a pilot. |
YT-1300 The YT-1300 might be one of the oldest freighters in the galaxy but the ones that are used by the Department of Logistics all look like new. These well maintained freighters are used by Logistic's finest pilots to quickly transport personnel and small items to various known and unknown locations in the galaxy. This freighter can store up to seven passengers and a pilot. The ship is equipped with four bedrooms with a bunk and private closet each. The most famous YT-1300 in the Logistic fleet is TFL Ysalamir. |
Flight Teams are groups of pilots headed by C-rank officers, called Flight Lead Officers. Upon promotion to Flight Lead Officer, a pilot is promoted to C-rank (unless he enters the premisses at C-rank already) and is assigned a team of pilot, for which he is responsible. Flight Lead Officers ensure that the missions are carried out in a timely fashion by their pilots, make sure that equipment is assigned and communicate with CFLO's about each and every need they might have, in order for their Pilots to finish the mission. They offer support to their team, help them with red tape, and offer any guidance they can.
Flight Teams are coordinated by the CFLO, who in turn are responsible for assigning new Pilots to Flight Teams and coordinating each and every Flight Lead Officer. Also, considering the circumstances, if a Team is left without a FLO, the CFLO will act as a replacement until a new Flight lead Officer is elected.
| Rank Name
| Director
| Deputy Director
| Fleet Captain
| Staff Captain
| Chief Officer
| Second Officer
| Third Officer
| Commander
| Lt. Commander
| Lieutenant
| Lieutenant Jr. Grade
| Ensign
| Flight Sergeant
| Flight Corporal
| Recruit First Class
| Recruit
| Cadet