Ep 12: The Rule of Jansen

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Episode 12: The Rule of Jansen

Episode 12 most important event was the appointment of Jacob Jansen as Viceroy of the Trade Federation and shortly after the Peace treaty with the Galactic Empire. A time of many changes and new beginnings. A time when the Trade Federation started its ladder climb to new heights.

- Duceroy Jacob Jansen is appointed Viceroy of the Trade Federation
- Minister Marco Salo appointed Duceroy of the Trade Federation
- Deputy Minister Daniel Zorg appointed Minister of Defence
- Centauri Tyridius appointed President of the InterGalactic Banking Clan
- Duceroy Marco Salo resigns
- Horley Cyan appointed Duceroy of the Trade Federation
- Peace treaty signed ending hostilities between the Galactic Empire and the Trade Federation
- D`Este Realty joins the Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Arakyd Aerodynes Incorporated joins the Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Baktoid Armour Workshop acquired and Arturius Hall appointed as leader
- Confederate Mining Corporation formed with Avarik Ragnos as its first leader
- Triumvirate Space Technologies joins the Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Avarik Ragnos resigns as Confederate Mining Corporation CEO; Marco Salo appointed as his sucessor

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