Taanab Wildlife Park
From TF Library
Taanab Wildlife park is a wildlife preserve located east of Doris on a small grassy island in Taanab's largest ocean. Although the area the park encompasses was protected by Viceroy Jacob Jansen in Year 17, construction of the research stations and visitor education facilities was not completed until late Year 19.
Taanab's development began immediately after the Trade Federation moved its capital there on day 6 of Year 0. Government centers, military facilities, resorts, and widespread urban sprawl spread crept across the planet's surface, threating to transform a beautiful and ecologically diverse planet into either an endless metropolis like Coruscant or a polluted wasteland like the Forest Moon before its reclamation. To preserve some of the planet in its natural form and protect the planet's flora and fauna, Viceroy Jacob Jansen gladly yielded to public pressure and declared all land east of Doris on its island a wildlife preserve. This legal status barred the land's development, ensuring its place as one of only four undeveloped regions on [Taanab]]. The other regions are some small forests north of the Solitudous deserts, the impenetrable jungles on the southernmost continent, and some vast (but unprotected) prairies near Camp Gunray.
In late Year 18, Viceroy Nohv Schiller decided to permitted the Federation University System to build several ecological and biological research facilities on the outskirts of the park. In order to manage the growing numbers of visitors the viceroy also ordered the construction of visitor education stations and increased the number of park rangers on staff considerably. Even with the cooperation of the Vicroyal office, however, the necessary ecological studies for construction and approval of all the building plans construction took much longer than anticipated. When Jacob Jansen resumed the office of viceroy after Schiller's resignation, he added one more feature to the park: an animal husbandry training center. Here citizens of the Federation can learn the necessary skills for raising and caring for native and exotic animals from expert biologists, veterinarians, and farmers.