Order of the Viceroy
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Awarded by: GL-4
The Order of the Viceroy [OV] is awarded to any person who has distinguished himself or herself by extraordinary achievement. The performance must be evidenced by voluntary action above and beyond the call of duty. The extraordinary achievement must have resulted in an accomplishment so exceptional and outstanding as to clearly set the individual apart from his or her comrades or from other persons in similar circumstances. The Order of the Viceroy Confers Lordship, however only Members of the Trade Federation are eligible for this award.
Year 11
Centauri Tyridus - Year 11 Day 124 - For his many accomplishments including but not limited to the population of many Glythe Sector planets. The reformation and modernization of the then Department of Defense. Planning and participation in the first ever Trade Federation tax planet. For his long standing and tireless efforts as a member and leader of the Trade Federation. For his absolute loyalty and dedication to our cause. -VJJ
Year 13
Metyl Onyx - Year 13 Day 281 - Metyl Onyx has done so much for the Trade Federation a list would be far too long to post. But some of his more notable accomplishments would be management of our territory development. Metyl has been the primary architect for pretty much every planet side construction for the last few years as well as our current raw material footwork. He has and continues to manages the search for new territory which has already had success. I am speaking of the addition of New Apsolon to our Empire of Trade. He spends many hours assisting with whatever needs to be done. Some of his work is very time consuming and I won't lie. Some of it is pretty boring. Yet he gets it done without complaint nor delay. He participates in many departments and sections of the Federation. Always doing his best. There is nothing else I could ask. The list is endless and his contribution to the Federation is essential and irreplaceable.
Year 17
Olwin Froon - Year 17 Day 154 - Olwin did such a great job streamlining the TU, a new Ministry was formed to encompass all of our production and Olwin was promoted to Minister of Production. In the the years that past Olwin changed the way we manage production and moved the Trade Federation from just another gov to the frontrunner's of military and civilian production in the galaxy. This is not my thoughts, its a fact. We out produced all of our allies combined and our infrastructure to this day rivals anyone else.
After the resignation of Duceroy Kage Renbukai the Cabinet was quick to vote in Olwin as our new Duceroy on Year 12, Day 96. During his tenure he first introduced TFMS. The administrative back end we use today. After my good friend Regent Bub`ba Lou resigned on Year 14, Day 108, there was no other in my eyes who could continue the principles I have always stood for as Viceroy. Olwin Froon became our third Regent and official successor to Viceroy of the Trade Federation.
Regents Froon's work did not stop there. He continued to keep a watchful eye on his "baby" the Ministry of Production as well as continue to develop TFMS and many other aspects of the Trade Federation. During his time he has admassed numerous awards and honors. Including a Gold Seal, Silver Seal and the Benevolence, a Lucrehulk 3210 Battleship to act as his personal flagship. However... There is still a great honor I can bestow on this lifelong servant of the Trade Federation.
Year 18
Jacob Jansen - Year 18 Day 68 - In recognition of his service to the Federation, for forging us into the galaxy’s premier economic power, my first act as Viceroy is to induct Jacob Jansen into the Order of the Viceroy. With this, he has right to the title of Duke and lordship over the system of Phateem.
Year 21
Nohv Schiller - Year 21 Day 239 - Nohv has been a crucial part of our success over many years. He has been a crucial part of my administration and has always been the word of reason. Steering me in the right direction. Never afraid to criticize me when needed. Always standing for what he thought was right. He has truly guided me along the way and I don’t know what else I can do to show my sincere appreciation to him.
Year 22
Dail Llwybr Gwaed - Year 22 Day 360 - Her time as Minister of the Interior has seen the Ministry go though a number of very large changes and every time, the Ministry has come out stronger than before. Her leadership and drive has always been what every member should strive for and I can't thank her enough for her service. Things change and people come and go. But its especially painful when we loose such a great leader. I do believe after a little down time we should see Dail return and I very much so look forward to it.
Year 23
Ted Winner - Year 23 Day 227 - Ted has served for over 10 years. Previously as Minister of Production and just as of late, Minister of State. Overseeing a vast majority of our fleet expansion and later, reworking and designing our Trade Federation Market among many other things. To this, I see it more than justified, and Ted, more than worthy to be awarded our highest honor.