Gravan Two

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Navigational Information
Planet: Gravan Two (7, 9)
Sector: Prackla
System: Gravan (152, 157)
Sun(s): Gravan (9, 12)
Geographical Information
Size: 7x7
Atmosphere: Cold/breathable
Climate: Cold/breathable
Social Information
Goverment: Trade Federation
Governor: Trade Federation
Magistrate: None
Population: 7,238,792 inhabitants
Civilization Level: 8.6100%
Native Species: None
Languages: Galactic Basic
Industry: Unknown
Taxation Level: 5.0000%
Currency: None
Planetary Income: 2,878,684 credits
Tax Income: 143,934 credits
Important Cities: None
Point of Interest: None
SWCombine rules page URL

Gravan Two

A frozen wasteland, dotted with areas of volcanic areas, this planet provides contrasts of extremes. Though possessing a breathable atmosphere this planet provides little protection from the harsh frozen winds that pound this planet. The only habitable places to live are underground or on the edges of the volcanic areas which skirts with danger, but the warmth provided makes life habitable. These theories were tested by explorer Vang-Son Tre`ll who theorised that entire cities could be built next to these areas and be provided with warmth.

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