Garven Stalwart

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Biographical Information
Full Name: Garven Stalwart
Homeworld: Mon Calamari
Physical Description
Race: Mon Calamari
Gender: Male
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour: Black
Trade Federation Service
Status: Retired
Ministry: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Department: Corporate Alliance
Position: President
Prior Service:

Garven Stalwart was the President of the Corporate Alliance.



Early Life

Little is know of Garven's early life. He was born on Mon Calamari and left there to pursuit a better life. Once he found his way to a ship, he began to explore Galaxy. He became a proficient trader and built up a reputation of honesty and hard work.

Corporate Alliance

After finding his way into the Confederacy, Garven worked his way through the ranks and was appointed to be the President of the Corporate Alliance. A trading faction based out of the Ammoris System, Garvin helped build the CA into a respectable faction. After years of service, Garven retired from Active Duty, turning the CA over to Krayt Fel, and went on sabbatical. Some rumors say he went back home to Mon Calamari. Other say he set the his ship on autopilot and lets it take him from system to system. Official reports just list him as retired.

Service Record

Rank Insignia


Promotion Date



Awards and Commendations

Award Image

Award Name

Given By

Date Received


[[]] 1 Year


Year Day

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