Ep 20: An Empire of Trade
From TF Library
Episode 20: An Empire of Trade
- Trade Federation, along with Hapes Consortium, Mandalore, Tion Hegemony and Aurodium Legion,withdraw from the Imperial Union.
- Trade Federation declares neutrality from the Galactic Civil War.
- Shaidar Haran appointed High Ambassador.
- Citizenship program spearheaded by Viceroy Jacob Jansen is launched, recognizing the free traders of the galaxy by offering the opportunity of a citizen status to honorable traders.
- Trade Federation forms the largest neutral alliance in the galaxy, the Galactic Concordiate, with the ratification of the Treaty of Forsetti signed by Viceroy Jacob Jansen, King Alex Tylger, Mand`alor Tyr DeMeer, Lord Hegemon Typhon Corbin, and Legate Dorn Zeke.
- Department of Trade formed with Tanez Kalrade as Director of Trade.
- Duceroy Olwin Froon appointed Regent.
- Minister the Interior Nohv Schiller voted in as Duceroy and second in command of the Trade Federation.
- Director Metyl Onyx appointed Minister of the Interior.
- Director Marcus Justinian appointed Deputy Minister of the Interior.
- Deputy Director Marco Salo appointed Director of Logistics.
- Minister of Production Vas Felix appointed as Zeemacht Regional Governor.
- Deputy Minister of Production Salamku Derov appointed Minister of Production.
- Deputy Minister of the Interior Marcus Justinian appointed Minister of the Interior.