Confederate Mining Corporation

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The Insignia of Confederate Mining Corporation
Faction Information
Name: Confederate Mining Corporation
Classification: Production, Mining
Date Founded: Year 9 Day 52
Owner: N/A
Leader: N/A
Second-in-Command: N/A
Notable Members: Bub`ba Lou, Pat Rulla, Jamaal Newport
Territorial Information
Population: Inhabitant(s)
Most Populated World:
Confederate Mining Corporation Website


With the increasing need for Raw Materials within the Trade Federation let alone, the Confederacy, it was decided to produce a second source. Jacob Jansen, Viceroy of the Trade Federation decided to invest his personal funds into a new faction called Confederate Mining Corporation (CMC). The goal to provide Raw Materials to the Trade Federation and select factions and members of the Confederacy. Based out of the Malastare System on the planet of Malastare itself, CMC is deep within Trade Federation territory granting it several advantages. Hand picked by Jacob Jansen himself, the leaders and members of CMC are long time members of the CIS and highly experienced in the skill of mining. Their experience and dedication is an asset to the CMC. CMC has a precisely planed out business plan, but its expected that it will surpass its goals in no time allowing a much larger scale of Raw Material mining.


Confederate Mining Corporation was at the peak of its success. As a mining faction its mines were producing raw materials at a steady pace, its prospectors were constantly finding new untapped sources to mine from, and everything was running smoothly and very efficiently.

Unfortunately, the Commerce Guild, another CIS mining faction wasn't having so much luck. It was having a hard time keeping up with orders and was in the slumps. The Trade Federation's Viceroy Jacob Jansen and Duceroy Bub`ba Lou decided to intervene. After a few discussions with the leaders of both factions, it was decided that Confederate Mining Corporation's members and assets would be transferred over to Commerce Guild and Confederate Mining Corporation would be dissolved.

On Year 10 Day 53, Confederate Mining Corporation was officially dissolved. Its contributions to the Confederacy of Independent Systems will always be remembered and it will always stand out as an example to all other factions at how to create, maintain, and run a very successful faction.

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