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Navigational Information
Planet: Berchest (18, 2)
Sector: Anthos
System: Berchest (82, 141)
Sun(s): Berchest Sun (3, 17)
Geographical Information
Size: 10x10
Atmosphere: Temperate/Breathable
Climate: Temperate/Breathable
Social Information
Goverment: Trade Federation
Governor: Trade Federation
Magistrate: None
Population: 55,356,207 inhabitants
Civilisation Level: 8.4800%
Native Species: None
Languages: Galactic Basic
Industry: Unknown
Taxation Level: 5.0000%
Currency: None
Planetary Income: 11,564,647 credits
Tax Income: 578,232 credits
Important Cities: None
Point of Interest: None
SWCombine rules page URL

The chief commercial, industrial and population center of the system, Selaggis is home to many Trade Federation personnel as well as various other groups from the far reaches of the galaxy seeking refuge from the galactic civil war. Though millions inhabit the planet, most of the land is empty. Vast oceans help regulate the tempurature in conjunction with the large polar cap of the north. The island of Novka to the center of the island is known for its huge forests, both beautiful yet filled with dangerous carnivoures. The Selaggian pine of these woods are highly sought after but so far the forests are too dangerous to harvest much.

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