Berchest Alpha

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Navigational Information
Planet: Berchest Alpha (8, 16)
Sector: Anthos
System: Berchest (82, 141)
Sun(s): Berchest Sun (3, 17)
Geographical Information
Size: 18x18
Atmosphere: Gas Giant
Climate: Gas Giant
Social Information
Goverment: Trade Federation
Governor: Trade Federation
Magistrate: None
Population: 85,927,839,771 inhabitants
Civilisation Level: 67.2400%
Native Species: None
Languages: Galactic Basic
Industry: Unknown
Taxation Level: 15.0000%
Currency: None
Planetary Income: 5,991,527,814 credits
Tax Income: 898,729,172 credits
Important Cities: None
Point of Interest: None
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This gas giant is known for destroying a flotilla of pirates attempting \r\nto hide from Old Republic forces. The unpredictable gas storms and \r\nviolent lighting discharges destroyed several ships that were trying to hid \r\nin the lower atmosphere the composition of which has a tendency to \r\ndistort and prevent scanning. There was little left of the fleet before the \r\nOld Republic forces detected hull remains and debris plummeting to the \r\ncore. Other than this trivia, there is little out of the ordinary for \r\nthis planet. A possible source of tibanna gas the Commerce Guild have \r\ndispatched prospectors and gas extraction teams to investigate.

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