Graven Three

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Navigational Information
Planet: Graven Three (6, 13)
Sector: Nouane
System: Graven (152, 157)
Sun(s): Phateem Sun (9, 12)
Geographical Information
Size: 6x6
Atmosphere: Cold/Toxic Atmosphere
Climate: Cold/Toxic Atmosphere
Social Information
Goverment: Trade Federation
Governor: Trade Federation
Magistrate: None
Population: 9,373,650 inhabitants
Civilisation Level: 10.1200%
Native Species: None
Languages: Galactic Basic
Industry: Unknown
Taxation Level: 5.0000%
Currency: None
Planetary Income: 4,295,122 credits
Tax Income: 214,756 credits
Important Cities: None
Point of Interest: None
SWCombine rules page URL

If it weren't for its size, Saurhuthain would be considered nothing more than a large asteroid in orbit around the Telti sun. Its landmass consists of nothing but rock, and though there is a large chance of it possessing rich mineral resources, most have ignored Suarhuthain due to its distance from other inhabited worlds and its less-than-ideal atmospheric conditions. With a thin, toxic atmosphere, which leads to its freezing climate, the planet is very inhospitable to most humanoids.

Despite the potential risk of colonizing Saurhuthain, there have been a couple of settlements founded. There have also been rumors that it is a cache planet for smugglers, though experts say these claims are unfounded.

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