Gravan Six

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(Created page with '{| class="infobox bordered" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="background: #eef4f7;border: 0px solid black;margin:0 0 10px 15px;padding: 0;" align=right width=275px> | …')
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|style="padding-left:5px;"| Sector:
|style="padding-left:5px;"| Sector:
|style="padding-left:5px;"| {{{Sector|Nouane}}}
|style="padding-left:5px;"| {{{Sector|Prackla}}}
| style="padding-left:5px;background:#e2e8eb;"| System:
| style="padding-left:5px;background:#e2e8eb;"| System:

Revision as of 14:25, 11 July 2016

Navigational Information
Planet: Graven Six (14, 3)
Sector: Prackla
System: Graven (152, 157)
Sun(s): Phateem Sun (9, 12)
Geographical Information
Size: 16x16
Atmosphere: Gas Giant
Climate: Gas Giant
Social Information
Goverment: Trade Federation
Governor: Trade Federation
Magistrate: None
Population: 3,270,255 inhabitants
Civilisation Level: 1.3700%
Native Species: None
Languages: Galactic Basic
Industry: Unknown
Taxation Level: 5.0000%
Currency: None
Planetary Income: 75,805 credits
Tax Income: 3,790 credits
Important Cities: None
Point of Interest: None
SWCombine rules page URL

The following message has been placed here in the database as authorized under edict 307.3 of the Imperial Mining Laws. Message as follows-"The gas giant Aldana in the Khomm system, is currently under control of the Imperial Mining Conglomerate. And as such no trespassers will be allowed to the planet. If you wish to visit this planet you must contact Tredo Caan on Coruscant and be approved for travel to this planet. Criminals beware; very intensive background checks and security scans will be made of yourself and your vessel on Coruscant. The Imperial Mining Conglomerate has no patience for pirates and smugglers. If you attempt to enter the orbit of this planet without a proper travel codes, your vessel will be destroyed without warning."-end of message.

The planet Aldana is a gas giant in the Khomm system. It has many different forms of gas, and is thus very suitable for Tibanna Gas mining. Tibanna Gas as you know is a very valuable resource used in making blasters and laser weapons. Be assured the Galactic Empire uses these weapons only to protect the citizens of the Galactic Empire.

Before the Empire came to this system, many pirates and smugglers infested the region. Taking what they could, destroying the rest, and even helping the local species develop illegal clones for criminal activities such as slavery. Now however, the area has been cleansed and made safe for the honest businessmen who flock to this system for the rich Tibanna Gas mines.

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